Hello world
I'm a learner. From pedagogy to programming, I have an insatiable desire to learn. This journal is a place for me to record what I am learning and share it with you. I hope you can find some value in my journey, and that my learning can inspire your own.
This is the start of something new. I have blogged inconsistently for years now. Part of the inconsistency was the result of my various interests. I had a local travel blog, teaching blogs, programming education blog, and a smorgasbord of other half starts and never finished. I recently concluded that I like to write, but it's never about the same thing. Ultimately whatever I'm learning is what I want to write about.
I'm a learner. I unabashedly jump from one thing to the next. Whatever catches my fancy and piques my interest is what will be the focus of this blog. Hopefully it won't be too jarring to read, but utimately this blog will be a place for me to journal my learning. If no one ever reads it, I will still have an important tool for processing and reflecting on my learning journey.
I hope you can find something of value in my journey, and if nothing else you are encourage to start your own learning journey. Never stop learning... with me.