I'm a learner. From pedagogy to programming, I have an insatiable desire to learn. This journal is a place for me to record what I am learning and share it with you. I hope you can find some value in my journey, and that my learning can inspire your own.
I'm a learner. From pedagogy to programming, I have an insatiable desire to learn. This journal is a place for me to record what I am learning and share it with you. I hope you can find some value in my journey, and that my learning can inspire your own.
About Me
At my core, I am a learner. Being an educator allows me to foster my love of learning. I enjoy sharing my passion for learning with my students and colleagues, and it is my desire to seek opportunities that allow me to grow and learn as a professional.
Serving as a Tennessee Educator Fellow in 2018 presented opportunities to learn about leadership and the impact it can have on students. It pushed me to pursue my Master’s degree at ETSU in Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis and deepen my understanding of the education landscape in Tennessee.
Through my job as the Associate Director of Career Technical Education, I am learning the importance of career education. There are many opportunities in the education system to better prepare students for high wage, high skill careers. Providing the best experience for all students to pursue these skills is critical, and connecting students with the right opportunities is a the primary role of educators today.
At home my wife and daughter keep me busy with fun adventures and snuggles on the couch. I love playing with my little girl, and I'm constantly amazed by how much she grows each day. My wife is an amazing mother and educator. Her creativity and love of learning are an inspiration.